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Unwritten Melody Blog Tour : Interview with Tessa Emily Hall

Hello, hello, people! Today, I am very excited to welcome Tessa Emily Hall, author of a new novel called Unwritten Melody.

Does breaking free require breaking the rules?

Cassie Gilbert lives every day in the shadows of her deceased mom’s rebellion. But now that she’s seventeen, she finds herself longing to break away from her grandmother’s suffocating rules, experience what it’s like to be a regular teenager, and fulfill her songwriting dreams.

James Russo, former American Spotlight contestant, escapes to small town Willow Creek, SC hoping to flee from his tarnished past. When a school project pairs him with the shy principal’s granddaughter, he’s determined to get to know this Emily-Dickinson-obsessed and typewriter-using girl. His plan? Convince Cassie to co-write songs for his demo album.

As Cassie gets to know James over “project meetings” (more like opportunities to match her lyrics with his melodies), she becomes intrigued by his sense of adventure and contagious passion for music. But soon, his past becomes exposed. Cassie’s left to wonder—did she make the same mistake Mom did by falling for the bad boy?

Then, Grandma’s control pushes her over the edge. Cassie must choose between remaining in the chains of yesterday, or delving into her own freedom by completing the melody her mom left behind.

Book Links:


Hi, Tessa! Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

My name is Tessa, and I’m a 22-year-old author of inspirational and authentic YA fiction. I love making homemade lattes, art journals, and encouraging teens to pursue their God-given callings.

About your book, Unwritten Melody

- Book/genre Category?

Unwritten Melody is a YA contemporary inspirational romance novel.

- Published?

It will be published by Clean Reads on November 10th.

- Describe your story in a sentence.

When a sheltered young girl meets a risk-taking musician, she faces the decision to break the rules and take a chance on love, or live the rest of her life in bondage.

- Describe the writing process of this book in a word.


- What inspired you to write this book?

I loved the idea of having a songwriter (Cassie) mesh her lyrics together with a musician (James), and for the pieces to fit together like a puzzle—almost as though the lyrics and songs were created for each another.

I also knew that I wanted to somehow incorporate the life and poetry of Emily Dickinson into the novel. I first learned about this poet in my 8th grade English class. I remember becoming fascinated – not only with her works, but also with the unique story of her life. After I brainstormed the premise to Unwritten Melody, I knew Cassie’s own life would shadow perfectly that of Dickinson’s and highlight the book’s theme in the process.

- What are some interesting things that you've learned from the writing process of this book?

  1. If there’s a story on your heart that you feel like God has given you to write, don’t ignore it, even if you don’t think it’ll sell in today’s market.

  2. No matter how many flaws you think your book has, it’s never past the point of no return. (As long as it’s not yet published.)

  3. It’s amazing how much you can get accomplished on a book when you set strict deadlines and work hard, even when you’re not necessarily feeling inspired.

- What would you have done differently if you could turn back time?

I wouldn’t have set this book on the shelf for a few months, overwhelmed with the problems in the plot. Even so, that break is what helped me come to the story with a fresh perspective when I was ready to rewrite it from scratch.

- Who is/are the main character/s and what inspired you to write about his/her?

Here are James’s and Cassie’s character sketches:

CASSIE GILBERT: 17-years-old; blond hair; silver-blue eyes; fair complexion. To her peers, Cassie is known as the shy and intelligent principal’s granddaughter. And, thanks to being raised by her grandparents, she’s never considered herself to be the “average” teen—but she longs to break free from her small town and pursue her dreams. She could spend hours writing lyrics on her typewriter, reading poetry and biographies of Emily Dickinson, or roaming the aisles of books at the Willow Creek Library.

JAMES RUSSO: 18-years-old; spikey black hair; ocean-blue eyes; olive skin. James is the risk-taking musician that teen girls fell in love with during his “five minutes of fame” on American Spotlight. But to be honest? He doesn’t think he deserves the attention he’s received. He could stay up all night composing melodies on his keyboard, with nothing but black coffee and a passion for the power of music to keep him awake.

What inspired me to write about them? I don’t remember intentionally choosing their character specifics (personality, appearance, etc.). As it as it sounds, it’s almost as though they were already apart of the story and I simply had to record their lives. In other words, their characterization fell into place as I brainstormed initial the plot. Both Cassie and James are searching for freedom in this book—but this freedom comes in a different form for both of them.

Here, are some more personal questions :)

- Why do you write?

Here’s what’s odd: I didn’t choose writing. Writing chose me. As cliché as that sounds, it’s so true. I started dictating stories to my mom when I was 3-years-old, and she would write them down for me. Back then, I wrote because I loved the process of using my imagination to create characters and stories, all through the power of a pen and paper. (It was similar to playing Barbies for me!) I was the weird kid in school whose favorite part of homework was studying the spelling/vocab words and creating sentences that incorporated those words.

As I began to form a relationship with Christ when I reached about 13-years-old, God laid it on my heart to write Christian stories for teens. At the time, I had no idea that the Christian fiction genre even existed. I remember the day that I Googled “Christian books for teens” and found numerous books by Melody Carlson. Needless to say, I knew that was the path God wanted me to walk with my writing. Not necessarily writing only Christian fiction books, but stories that at least pointed to Him. (Unwritten Melody isn’t considered Christian fiction.)

A burning passion to write is how this journey began, and it’s what will keep it going. But over the years, my purpose in writing has shifted a bit. It’s no longer a hobby. It’s no longer something I do to entertain myself. Rather, it’s a way that I can minister to teens who live on the other side of the country or world. Storytelling is the instrument God has given me that enables me to connect with the hearts of others. Storytelling is powerful. I’ve learned this not just from writing and hearing from readers, but through reading books myself. Stories help us make sense of our own lives, our own pain, and the world around us. They give us empathy for others. They help us feel less alone. They help us see the big picture of our lives.

This is why I write. Because that burning desire that birthed within me at 3-years-old has yet to diminish. In fact, it’s grown. It’s developed into a longing to plant seeds into the lives of others through my writing – seeds that will, eventually, steer them in the direction of Christ. This is what I pray for every day before I begin writing. It’s my #1 purpose in writing. Without it, writing would still be a simple hobby of mine; entertaining, yet not fulfilling. By viewing my writing as a ministry, I feel as though I’m fulfilling God’s purpose for my life.

{Sorry for the essay of a response! =p}

-Your normal working day?

My days are usually spontaneous and aren’t necessarily structured to follow a certain schedule. However, when I have an entire day at home to focus on writing, I like to wake up early and first begin my day with God. Then, I make my coffee and spend about 45 minutes scheduling my social media and responding to emails. The next couple of hours are dedicated to my creative writing time. I like to save non-creative-writing projects for the afternoon – such as work associated with my internship with Hartline Literary agency, Pursue Magazine, article deadlines, blog posts, and marketing projects.

-Have you experience writer's block and how do you deal with it?

Writer’s block tends to come in the form of either exhaustion or discouragement about where the plot is headed. When it comes from exhaustion, I allow myself to take a break and step away from the computer. Usually that’s when my brain has over-worked itself, so I know I need to recuperate by participating in non-laptop-related activities. Then I can come back to the story with a fresh mind.

Right now, I’ve been working on the sequel to Purple Moon. Honestly, I’ve struggled with so many writer’s blocks throughout the process of writing this book. Most of them have come in the form of discouragement, doubt, and fear. Writer’s block, I’ve realized, can also be a trick of the enemy to try and prevent me from pursuing what God has called me to pursue. In this case, I go to God in prayer and ask Him to help me push through the doubts and discouragements. I remind myself that I’m not writing to impress or please others; I’m writing because it’s apart of who I am. It’s my way to spend time with God in worship, to glorify Him, and possibly minister to others. I always feel better after a productive writing session, even if the work that day wasn’t necessarily my best.

-Your writing habits?

One word: Coffee. =) It’s tough for me to write in the evenings for this reason alone! (I don’t like to have coffee to late in the evening.) I do prefer to write in the mornings, when my mind is fresh and not yet cluttered from the day’s happenings.

-Favorite book at the moment

Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers

-Favorite movie at the moment

August Rush

-One fun fact about you

I can decorate my pancreas. =p I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes two years ago and wear a tubeless insulin pump, the Omnipod, which I often decorate by painting it with nail polish.

-A quote that motivates you the most to write

I’m going to give two: A scripture and a writing quote.

The scripture is found in Luke 4:18, and it states:

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free…”

One of my favorite writing quotes that inspires me to write is this one by Karen Kingsbury:

"You hold the pen of hope and healing,

you who tell of fear and feeling.

Power to touch the jaded soul;

power to make the broken whole.

To entertain, to intertwine,

to take us back in tests and time.

Write you must - now go from here;

write and keep the Savior near.

Now, Spirit, lead us every page;

through our words, be center stage.

Give us love for those who read;

give us words so they might see.

Author God, now through your power

guide us from this very hour.

Let us tell of love and light

and grant us strength so we might write."

~Karen Kingsbury

-Can you give some advices for newbie young writers?

First of all, stay fueled with a passion for writing. Build your writing journey on a foundation that consists of a love for both reading and writing. Write because you can’t not write, because honestly, if you don’t begin with this kind of passion, then it’s going to be far too tempting to quit when the discouragement comes. (Notice that I said when, not if!) It’s important to also find the time to write and stay disciplined with your writing time, because perseverance is the only way you’ll produce an actual book.

Then, learn as much about the craft and industry as you can through blogs, books, workshops, and conferences. Apply what you learn to your manuscript. Network with other writers on blogs, social media, critique groups, and at writing conferences. Keep a teachable spirit. Remember that, no matter how naturally gifted you may be in writing, every writer could use improvement to grow.

Finally, create long-term and short-term goals for your writing journey. I’ve met so many adult writers who never pursued their writing dreams because, A) They didn’t push themselves to finish a book, B) They gave up too soon, C) They didn’t learn how a book is published, therefore never pursued publication and believed that “being an author” was an impossible achievement. I believe there are no better years to begin getting feet wet in the industry and honing writing skills than the teen/young adult years – before you reach a desperate point to pursue a career that brings in a stable income, and before you have a family to attend to.

If you’re interested in taking your writing journey more seriously, I love to mentor young writers through my course, Write Now. You can find more info about this 3-month program at this link:

-Where can we get Unwritten Melody?

Unwritten Melody will be available on November 10th on Amazon and online at Barnes & Noble.

-Where can we find you? (website/ social media)

Huge thanks to Tessa for this awesome interview! Make sure you get her latest novel and also her previous one. Also, very nice of Tessa, she is having a giveaway!!


Enter for your chance to win the Unwritten Melody Prize Pack! Two winners will be selected and announced on Tessa’s blog the final day of tour (Friday, December 9th) and will be notified via email.

This prize pack includes…

  • E-copy of Unwritten Melody

  • Signed paperback copy of Purple Moon

  • Unwritten Melody mug, filled with goodies

  • Unwritten Melody swag, including a bookmark, pen, and poster

  • Starbucks mocha flavored instant coffee

  • Free Unwritten Melody: Page-By-Page Secrets PDF

  • Handmade journal

  • Typewritten thank you note

*This giveaway is open to the US only

About Tessa

Tessa Emily Hall writes inspirational yet authentic YA fiction to show others they’re not alone—and because she remembers the teen life like it was yesterday (or a few years ago). The debut novel she wrote at 16-years-old, PURPLE MOON (Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas) was a Selah 2014 Finalist. Her second novel, UNWRITTEN MELODY, releases with Clean Reads November 2016. She’s the Founder of, a magazine that inspires teens to embrace their calling. Tessa also enjoys helping writers achieve their dreams through her internship at Hartline Literary Agency.

When her fingers aren’t flying 116 WPM across the keyboard, Tessa can be found making healthy homemade lattes, speaking to teens, decorating her insulin pump, and acting in Christian films. She writes in a small town nestled between the Blue Ridge Mountains and Southeastern coast. Her favorite way to procrastinate is by connecting with readers on her blog, mailing list, social media (@tessaemilyhall), and website.

Blog Tour Schedule

Don’t miss the next blog tour stop! Be sure to visit the following blogs on its designated tour date. You can also email tessaemilyhall (at) gmail (dot) com and request to receive the Blog Tour Packet. At the end of the tour, Tessa will send you the downloadable PDF that will contain all of the content from each blog tour stop.

Tues., November 1 – Christ is Write

Wed., November 2 - Adriana Gabrielle Writes

Thurs., November 3 – The Depth of My Faith

Fri., November 4 - Sarah Ruut

Mon., November 7 – God is Love

Tues., November 8 – The Bibliophile Angel

Wed., November 9 - Emily Rachelle Writes

Thurs, November 10 – Word Changers For His Glory

Fri., November 11 – Christian Teen Book Reviews

Mon., November 14 – Phyllis Still

Tues., November 15 – In The Bookcase

Wed., November 16 – Girl Meets Publishing World

Thurs., November 17 - Anna Schaeffer

Fri., November 18 – Ramblings of a Writer

Mon., November 21 - Naomi and Books

Tues., November 22 – Reading is My Superpower

Wed., November 23 – Zerina Blossom’s Books

Thurs., November 24 - Jennifer Slattery Lives Out Loud

Fri., November 25 – Labor Not in Vain

Mon., November 28 - Barbara Bruitt

Tues., November 29 - Katy Kauffman

Wed., November 30 – Jen Pheobus

Thurs., December 1 – Northern Belle Meg

Fri., December 2 – 2Me From Him

Mon., December 5 - Nicole Quigley

Tues., December 6 – The Destiny of One

Wed., December 7 - Catherine Castle

Thurs., December 8 - Rachelle Rea Cobb

Fri., December 9 – Leslie L. Mckee


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